Sooooo today was an exciting day!

I got to the fifth warp room area in CB2 (a game I'll make a shrine about because I like it so much) and honestly, it seems to be the best one.
My personal rankings of the warp rooms (based on levels) are
I feel like this one has the most variety of levels, at least for the first 3 (those are the only ones I've played lol) Piston it Away might be my favorite level as I love the looks, music AND gameplay of the level as it's all really unique and never seen before in the game. Rock It is fun as you go in thiking it will be some kind of temple level only to be a level where YA FLY THROUGH ZERO GRAVITY ON A JETPACK WITH AWESOME MUSIC! Now, the controls of the jetpack are a little so-so, but they only use it for one level (I think) so it's fine. Night Fight is a fun level finally bringing the lightning bug level into the main progression although, I think I got too many Wumpa Fruit in the bonus level as the game softlocked and I had to stop playing. I feel like the lengths you have to go through to get the all boxes gem in these last levels are a bit much but, it's a good challenge y'know.

I swear I hate the peccimism going around these days, like JUST SHUT UP AND FIND SOME JOY ALREADY, YEAH THE INTERNET IS BEING HUSKED AND BECOMING "REAL LIFE" BUT SOUL ISN'T GONE YOU DUMBWAD! YOU JUST HAVE TO FIND IT IN THE RIGHT PLACES! THERE ARE STILL ROCK AND ROLL BANDS! ugh, those people just really bring me down like why????? why would you ever want to go out of your way to be so negative about something when everyone knows it sucks??? It's pointless!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRGHHHHHHH!

I wanted to join a webring called transing the internet but they said you had to add a widget first. I didn't know what a widget was so I added a website hits conter because that's what I thought they meant.

Sorry to rant more but, it's not like fun and joy and life CAN'T slip through under capitalism like MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO OUTSIDE AND MAKE FRIENDS HUH???? OR MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST KILL YOURSELF IF YOU HATE THE WORLD SO MUCH! (legal: that was not a threat or call to action, that was merely a statement that reflects my own personal beleeifs and was not targeted towards anyone or anything in particular)
I really like exploring this new net of personal websites, you can learn so much about people and go so deep, it's really fun and a lot less soulless. It's like I'm exploring a market or something.
WHY ARE YOU PESSIMISTIC? WHAT HAPPENED? WHY CAN'T YOU FIND JOY IN ANYTHING? ARE YOU OKAY???? It may not seem like it but video games ARE actually really good these days, and piracy does exist! WHY ARE YOU SO GLUM??? I WANT YOU TO FEEL BETTER! I just want to hug you and see a smile on your face and get YOU TO STOP BEING LIKE THIS! ARRRGGGHHHH! I swear, there are redeeming parts about life, and if you hate capitalism so much you'd kill yourself, maybe go live in the woods, reject capitalism, and if you die trying atleast you died on your own terms. The old internet isn't even dead! This website is a testimony too it! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? It's like DVDs it's just smaller, I mean would you like it if everything nice and physical media was overtaken by corporations? Why are you so glum, please, I just want you to start feeling positive but I can't! The person who I'm speaking to will never read this! Nothing will ever change! I mean, does he not realise that when you focus everything on the past, of course you'll be dissapointed! I just hate this, I want to explore every bit of everyones website but I can't because his peccimism leaves a big fucking hole in me that I wouldn't've had otherwise! I hate him! I hate what this man is making me do!
anyway JOHN I had a Halloween Dance tonight a SOCIAL event WITH SOUL, JOHN. his name isn't john. And it was great! I think it was the best dance I've been to so far! I arrived an hour late because of reasons in my Spamton costume and without my makeup for reasons and I looked great, honestly, I finally looked a little womanly! (I say in the buisness man outfit) My friends were dressed up as Bibically Accurate Angel, Angel, Anti-angel, Devil, Mushroom, BOTH N AND J FROM MURDER DRONES WITH THE INJECTORS WHICH WAS AMAZING, plague doctor, modern day plaugue doctor, Mario and Luigi, The Lorax, the hot dog, The Joker, Patrick Star and Traffic Cone. Honesly every second of that dance was gratifying, I had fun no matter what was happening. I finally got my SiIvaGunner payoff as Gedagedegedagedago blared over the speakers, me singing along to the whole thing. also DAMN, I really wasn't expecting how sexy and twinky I looked in that Spamton outfit like I'd fuck myself. Honestly I had a fantastic time there, one of the best experiences of my life. Also I beat up a ghost and that was rad.

When I got home I was on some kind of Rayman itch as I downloaded Rayman for the PS and Rayman 2 for the Dreamcast and to my surprise they both ran FLAWLESSLY on Retroarch, even the Dreamcast one!

I want to beleive there's still soul in the world, there has to be, right? Yes, there is. Fuck that guy man he really messed up this blog post, I'll link to his website, read at your own risk: and the worst part is THE WEBSITE NAME IS UM JAMMER CAMMY! I WANT TO LOVE IT BUT HIS ATTITIUDE WON'T LET ME!

that's all for now, see you in Rayman 4!