HARDEST CHOMIK: Split Matter Chomik


Revamped Trash and a few obby chomiks

Scarlet Parachomik: I'm honestly really proud of myself for finally acheiving the skills to get over that obby, I'm really improving.

Windows XP Chomik: Took me a while but if you hug the wall and extend JUST RIGHT, you can get the jump.

Awook, Scammik, Chomcraft, Geicho: Just laying around the trash area, next to some pretty obvious places. Inside the Minecraft house little boy chomik asks you to find 8 crayons for him, interesting.


I went into Revamp Realm today, and I completed the whole tree obby at spawn, just to get nothing but an even harder jump I couldn't do as a reward. This is kind of sad man. Also there are 145 chomiks in the Revamp Realm! That's like an eighth of all the chomiks!

Chamsome + Revamped Feodoric: In the trash area, way better Trash area then the actual game, it's a lot more creative and funny.


SOMETHING IS HAPPENING, WHEN I WENT IN THE GAME I actually spawned in the area for Dreamik! I got him! Cool! BUT THE COLORS ARE WEIRD AND THERE'S A GIANT CAT IN THE SKY AND EVERYONE IS FREAKING OUT! NO JOKE! I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING? I think it's a tease for the 1000th Chomik or something. Stay tuned. Oh, I also finally finished up (almost) in the Opposite World.

Red Matter, Blue Matter and Split Matter Chomik: So to find these Chomiks you need to collect 15 very small buttons around Sector 2, and once you know what to do it's not so hard. Anyway, I only have ONE chomik left in the Opposite World and in order to get it I need to have challenging skill level on JToH and that will take a while so time to get out of here!


Wandering around in Sector 2 + Chomdriver Torso: Had to get help for this one, to get Chomdriver you need to decode a LOT of morse code. It's frustrating because most of the morse code are red herrings! It's alright though as I completed the puzzle and got my new hardest chomik! It's very strange how the chomik doesn't fit the iconic Webdriver Torso style. I saw a version on the wiki that looked WAY closer to what a Webdriver Torso Chomik would look like. Weird.

A Dance of Cho and Mik + Chomik Swapper Tool: Laying around in Sector 2.


Opposite World 1+2 cleanup


Firechom and Watermik: It's kind of hidden I guess. Should've been Sharkchom and Lavamik.

Inverted Chomik: I can't beleive I only found 2 chomiks in the opposite world sector 2. Like, the sector isn't even all that big! How'd I barely find anything?

Mechanical Split Chomik: So, I feel like when a chomik leads you on a goose chase where you waste time looking around a space, I feel like it's fair to get help since it just speeds up the process. But when I need to use my brains or do a certain objective, I consider getting help to be cheating. Anyway, I found the button on the crate then went over to the obby that Chomik of the Fourth Dimension was actually at. I then looked at the full wiki hint since I thought I found it and TURNS OUT it's next to Reactor Core Chomik. So I accidentaly cheated the chomik but oh well.

Chomik of the Fourth Dimension: Not much to say, I think the way you get the chomik is cool. Although, in the area you get it, if you go onto the beam...

Chomik of Time and Space: It's in the big scribble of parts, near the top.


Opposite World Sector 1 Cleanup. I still think it's cool how they managed to fit 2 sections into this.

Cyberspace Chomik, Right Chomik, Hot Air Chomik: Clearly lying around parts of Sector 1.

Icosahedrik: Doesn't really fit into the area but it still looks cool and is decptively hidden. Using the shiftlock tool to look through walls is your friend.

Mischomvous: Very cool design. Proud of myself for completing the obby. I saw Paradoxical Puppeteer but gave up on his course.

Opposite World Chomik: Very cool looking, hidden in giant cube.

Tiny Chomik of Nonexistence: I liked the way you get this one, I have a feeling the shrinkpad will be important sometime later.

Reversemik: Yet another intense! I feel like the obby to get to this one is easier then paradoxical puppeteer but I will take what I can get! Very creative obby here, it uses side-scrolling platforming and the same on/off switches from super mario galaxy! Would probably suck on mobile.


Today I just went around and collected the Chomiks I could immediately find in spawn or the Trash area, an area littered with bad memes and bad platforming.

Broken Wall Chomik, Ben Chomik, Homeless Chomik, Little Boy Chomik, The Binding of Chomik, Trashik, Watermark Chomik, Brik: All very obvious Chomiks in and outside the buildings of the Trash area. I do appreciate how The Binding of Chomik is right next to Little Boy Chomik, it's a nice touch.

Spawn Chomik: Very cool looking

Rabbik: This one took me a while due to the flinging, I guess try to hug the wall.

Green Chomik: color.

Sun Chomik: Very deceptively simple. I also love the bill wurtz refrence.

Vile Chomik: There was an obby next to him but somehow no matter what I do I ca't get back down and recollect him! But there has to be a way.


Animated Chomik, Blossom Chomik, Lily Pad Chomik and Chomberry: By going through the very obvious portal in the blossom tree, you get sent to the revamp realm, a realm that is litteraly just the normal realm but it looks better and has different chomiks. These are lying around in the spawn area.

Rose Flower Chomik: No one should have to die young, I'm sure it was hard for the community. I'm glad they immortalized him like this.

Left Chomik, Opposite Chomik and Reactor Core Chomik: The text next to Anything Chomik in the main realm looks like a cipher, but if you click on every letter in order to spell "teleport" you get sent to the Opposite Realm, a real crazy looking realm. I really like the vibe of this area, the red and blue, the screens and ships and neon, it all hits the right cord with me. Funnily enough, all the chomiks in this area are either themed around bright lights or red and blue. Weirdly Nintendo Switch Chomik is not in this area. I tried playing a SMG like on/off platforing segment but couldn't make it through.

In the main realm I also found a pole next to the cherry blossom with a trapdoor with 6 locks in it, wonder if I'll find a use for that later.


Normalny Chomik: The way this will work is that I anecdote the story of how I found every chomik on that day and add any interesting facts. This is the guy you get as usually your first chomik.

Archery Chomik: Behind a tree next to a target. It always bugs me how the target has no purpose but to hint you to Archery Chomik.

Axolotik: Cool looking chomik, in the river by the cabin

Chorry: in a tree

Chomik 401: There's about to be 1000 chomiks and they thought 401 was a lot.

Not so secret Chomik: I dunno, he was kinda hidden to me

Oofmik: It would be impressive if you never got this one

Zloty Chomik: This is so much easier on PC then on Mobile

Anything Chomik: Apparantly this used to be an egg and is mimicking Everything Chomik, the 500th Chomik. I wonder if I'll ever get those hard ones.

Beemik and Beehive Chomik: I've only had 3 days of experience with PC roblox so I'm impressed I was able to complete the obby for Beehive Chomik. Inside a beehive.

Chover: This one is already very annoying

maurice: Somehow counts as a chomik despite not being a chomik. If you hit the purple stud on a wall in the spawn area, you get transported to the Ao realm, the first realm I've gotten to. It seems like a parody of first-person horror games as you run around a place while a really goofy looking purple guy (not that one) is chasing you. There are these buttons scattered around the place and purple studs you need to jump over. I don't know how far the maze stretches on and I feel like I've just scratched the surface as there are some very hard chomiks in here.

Voodoo doll Chomik: Explore the maze and in a dead end pretty close to the start is her.

Chomikonette: I was LEGITIMATELY not expecting to get an INSANE chomik on the first day but here we are! After going through some of the maze next to a table is a very well lit room with an obby in it. The obby is decently chsllenging since you're locked in first person and took me many tries, but waiting on the other side is the chomik. What's interesting about is they pulled off the cg look very well, I could've sworn when I collected it it was in 3D, but I can't tell since the purple wierdo was chasing me the whole time. That's all.


Buttons for Lightmatter Chomik:
One inside 2nd layer of big pillar at spawn in main realm

Code for YT Searcher Chomik: 0729114

There's a ticket inside the second layer of the tree in Revamp Realm.